"Healing instruments" made by GWP are claimed to have only
positive benefits and absolutely no side effects. They are alleged to
be able to fix mental and spiritual damage that seriously affects a
person's aura. Instructions on how to make these things are supposedly
channeled through John Miller from the spirit world. The healing instruments
are claimed to have telepathic abilities to heal, and their workings
are described with meaningless psychobabble worthy of the worst sci-fi
writers. For example, this description of one of their more expensive
The Bar adds a complexity of well over 6 - 60 Mhz [sic]
minimum of temporal shifting combined with millions of predefined etheric
modifications operating in a vertically and horizontally oriented polarization
within an individuals [sic] system. This ultra complex process
is set in motion by this healing instrument through a temporal and spatial
gate set up when a healing instrument is held. (The last two sentences
may sound like a lot of crap ...)
Yes, they really say that, including the last sentence in parentheses.
It's nice to know that at least they realise it sounds like a lot of
crap. In reality the instruments are described as being nothing more
than colourful lumps of plastic and metal.
Read more under Practices.
Reincarnation is one of the most common beliefs of the New
Age Movement. GWP claims their "healing instruments" can
end the endless cycle of reincarnation by allowing the soul to return
to its origin after death. (This is a common perversion of the Christian
"Fall" where Adam and Eve were evicted from the Garden of
Members say they have been told their children would be reincarnated
as animals because they were bad parents. (This is an example of using
guilt to control.)
It is claimed the top tier of leadership all have pet animals instead
of children. There's nothing necessarily wrong with that, but when the
animal dies it is supposedly reincarnated into the next pet.