Jehovah's Witnesses' theology has numerous serious errors.
JWs deny the Trinity.
A less important point - Jehovah's Witnesses claim God's only true
and correct name is "Jehovah" - which actually doesn't appear
in the Bible. It comes from adding the vowels from "Adonai"
(Hebrew for "Lord") to "YHWH." This was first done
in AD1270 by a Roman Catholic monk (thanks, Raymundus) - apparently
JW's own "Aid" book admits this on pages 884 & 885.
Jesus Christ
Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jesus Christ is the Archangel Michael,
and that he is the first being created by God. They believe He was not
bodily resurrected, and that He returned invisibly to Earth in 1914.
The Holy Spirit
JWs believe that the Holy Spirit is just a force, like electricity.
They believe that salvation is through good works and by being a Jehovah's
Witness. JWs do not have an accurate concept of sin.
The Watchtower teaches that the Bible is not properly understandable
without the Watchtower's materials. According to them their own New
World Translation (NWT) Bible is the only true version. See also the
Quotes page regarding the false