"Most employees have not had a vacation in more than twenty years."
"We are not ... part of a ... science fiction alien takeover of
earthlings as found in the movie and television fantasies ..."
– GWP web site.
"We can say that this healing instrument comes from a place that
is both on this planet and a trillion light years away."
– GWP publication. (Check out the law
of non-contradiction.)
"We're not New Age wackos."
– GWP spokesperson, quoted by Chuck Sheppard,
News of the Weird.
"We are not ... part of a ... science fiction alien takeover of
earthlings as found in the movie and television fantasies (as some of
our critics would have you believe)..."
– GWP web site. No critics we know of have
ever made such a claim.
(So who's writing the science fiction again?)
GWP directors "... recogni[se] that Gentle Wind is unusual ..."
– Lawsuit documents written by GWP's lawyers.
"Steven King and L. Ron Hubbard's
books PALE in comparison to what I'm going to tell you."
– Moe.
"Clinical trials have been done and some of the results are on
the Comments page of this website. In a few cases clinical trials were
terminated because the investigators were overwhelmingly satisfied with
the effectiveness of our technology and did not wish to deprive the
control groups of the relief they found immediately with the experimental
– GWP web site.
Former Members
"Members become so dependent on 'readings' or advice that they
turn to the leaders for decisions about the simplest of daily activities.
In similar fashion, they all follow the leader's preferences, i.e. everyone
becomes Celtics basketball fans, buys super gasoline rather than regular,
cuts their hair short, feeds their pets the same way, earns a ham radio
license, makes bowls on a lathe, buys a truck, and so on."
"Until recently, a former member reports that a testimonial was
on the group's website that she had asked to be removed two years ago.
The testimonial stated that Gentle Wind had saved her family thousands
of dollars in psychiatric bills. However, after that statement was made,
this family actually had to spend thousands of dollars in psychiatric
and legal bills to assist their sons in their recovery after being raised
by parents who were Gentle Wind members."
"Although pages and pages of personal descriptions about improvements
due to 'healing instruments' have been written by IKs [instrument keepers]
and GWP leaders, nothing has ever been proven objectively in a scientific
peer-reviewed paper."
– Former member Judy Garvey.
Cult Researchers
"But don't expect any objective peer-reviewed scientific evidence
published about their puck in the pages of JAMA."
– Rick
Ross, referring to one of GWP's "healing instruments".
Other Experts
"The lack of sufficient parental attention and care of children
by parents is negligent and therefore abusive."
– Warwick Pudney, a senior lecturer in psychotherapy
at the
Auckland University of Technology, quoted in the New
Zealand Herald.
This comment was not made in regard to GWP, but does highlight the link
between neglect and abuse –
a link GWP would prefer you didn't know about.
"I think this is how most quackery happens. They find people who
are desperate and ingratiate themselves to these people and then take
advantage of them down the road."
– Dr. Robert Baratz, president of the National
Council Against Health Fraud,
a nonprofit group based in Massachusetts, United States.
– Dr. Robert Baratz referring to a Gentle
Wind explanation of their "healing instruments".
[GWP is a] "... U.S. based snake-oil company."
– Terry
Polevoy , Consumer Health Watchdog, Canada.