More Info
Article in the Cult FAQ: Feelings – Why subjective experiences are not enough to base one's salvation on.
Cult Beliefs pamphlet (PDF,
15kB). DLE sized (A4 folded in thirds). The main beliefs of Christianity
compared with the cults Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Scientology and
the New Age Movement.
Cult Mind Control pamphlet
(PDF, 98kB). DLE sized (A4 folded in thirds). Covers what mind control
is, how it differs from brainwashing, the common techniques used, how
to recognise it, and how to protect yourself, your church, and your
MM Outreach Inc has a large library of Mormon
resources. MM Outreach Inc was founded in 2007, taking over the resources of MacGregor
Ministries which was started in 1979 by Lorri MacGregor who spent 15 years as
a JW.
Mormons is a good place to start for those starting their own recovery
from Mormonism.
CARM (Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry) has lots of information
about Mormons. Also useful are their doctrinal papers, for example, Bible verses that show Jesus is Divine.
The Mormon Creation according to Joseph Smith on Creation.com.