Other Names
Note that there are many, many different practices and included in the
occult. Only a few can be listed here - this list is not complete or exhaustive.
- Accupressure
- Accupuncture
- Amulets and charms (including rosary)
- Aromatherapy
- Astral travel
- Astrology
- Biorhythms
- Birth signs
- Black magic
- Clairvoyance
- Channelling
- Charms
- Crystals (for healing)
- Demons
- Divination
- Dowsing
- Dungeons and Dragons (a particular
roleplaying game)
- ESP (extra-sensory perception)
- Familiar spirits
- Fortune telling
- Freemasonry
- Ghosts
- Hallowe'en
- Handwriting analysis for fortune telling
- Harry Potter
- Homeopathy
- Horoscopes
- Iridology
- Anton Szandor LaVey
- Magic - not the sleight-of-hand stuff, and so often spelled 'magick'
to differentiate it
- Magic spells
- Mantras
- Masonic Lodge
- Medium (someone who talks with the dead)
- Numerology
- Ouija board
- Palm reading
- Pendulum divination, pendulum diagnosis, pendulum healing
- Phrenology
- Harry Potter
- Psychic ability
- Pyramidology
- Radionics
- Rebirthing
- Reiki massage
- Reflexology
- Ken Ring (weather astrologer)
- Satanism
- Satanic bible
- Seance
- Spirit guides
- Spiritism
- Star signs
- Subud
- Superstitions (including rosary and making a cross sign/crossing oneself)
- Tarot cards
- Telekinesis
- Telepathy
- Vibrations of the planet, vibrations of the universe
- Water witching (dowsing)
- White magic
- Wicca, wiccan
- Witchcraft
- Yoga
- Yule
- Zodiac amulets/charms
- Zodiac signs